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By: Albert Lazo
There's no better looking flooring then polished marble. It adds luxury to just about any room. The mirror like polish can last years if taken care of properly. Unfortunately it may not work in certain home situations, specially in a home with pets and kids. If you can't afford to replace your marble floor and are looking for alternatives the following tips may help you.
What you should know about Polished Marble Floors
As you may already be finding out, marble is actually a fairly soft material that is prone to scratches and etching. Acidic drinks as well as incorrect cleaners will etch the surface of your marble flooring. Often the homeowner thinks these are just water spots that can be cleaned out. Etching is when something has eaten away at your marble and the only remedy is to have it professionally restored. Pets can scratch the surface as well. You may be realizing that polished marble floors do not fit your family's lifestyle due to the spills, pets or maybe you just want a floor that's a little more forgiving and requires less maintenance.
So what's the alternative
Fortunately there may be an alternative to a polished marble floor without having to rip it out. Instead of a polished and shinny look you may want to think about getting your marble honed. What is honed?. The surface is more of a matte finish rather then shinny and polished. There are different degrees of honed depending on what grit the marble is honed at.The higher the grit in which the marble is honed at, the shinnier it becomes. Also it is fairly easy for a marble restoration company to make this transition to your marble surfaces due to that it is usually a one step process.
What does a honed marble finish accomplish?
Since the marble surface would be honed, scratches and etching are not nearly as noticeable making your floor easier to take care of. Note though that the higher the grit the more shinnier the surface becomes. The shinnier the surface the more scratches and etching will show. Depending on the type and color of marble that you have, a honed look will give your floor a new look without the expense of replacing to a new flooring material.
Does my particular marble floor look good honed?
This is something that needs to be considered before going through with the process. For instance, darker stones will look lighter in color when honed. Part of the reason marble gets it's deep colors is due to that they are polished. A black marble such as Nero Marquina or brown such as St. Lauren will be a few shades lighter so a test of how the final transition will look like is critical. If you have an extra marble tile a stone restoration professional can hone it for you. Often the homeowner does not have extras laying around. In this situation the alternative would be to buy a few tiles of a like marble. As a last resort the marble floor professional can do the test on the actual floor. There would probably be a cost to do this test specially if the restorer has to bring back the marble to the shinny state it was originally in. Be aware too that getting the surface back to blend in with the original can be hard even for a seasoned pro.
A word about Baseboards
It is possibility that the baseboards would have to be removed before commencing with the honing process. Most floor and hand machines are not able to get right to the edge which would be required when going from a shinny to a honed surface. If the homeowner is handy they can do this themselves to save some money.
About the Author
Albert Lazo, owner of Love Your Floors. A carpet, upholstery and tile cleaning company in San Jose. We also polish , hone and grind marble and travertine surfaces.
(ArticlesBase SC #746916)
Article Source: - An Alternative to Polished Marble Floors
Marble Tile Background
Marble tiles are considered to be one of the best building materials to be used in homes, even in offices, due to its different qualities and benefits.
Marble tiles have been used for over thousands of years already, wherein they were first cut into slabs and tiles and used for as building materials, dating back as far as the time of ancient Greeks and the Romans. Marble tiles are known for their exquisiteness and resilience, making them very ideal as flooring materials, especially since they are not only functional, but are very aesthetically pleasing as well. Each marble tile vary in color, pattern and design, giving consumers a wonderful array of natural materials which possesses a combination of beauty and toughness, making it the material of choice for construction.
Marble, which is actually a metamorphic rock, is created when limestone is subjected to a considerable amount of heat and pressure within the earth’s crust, making it a dense and durable material, at least when compared with granite or ceramic tiles. It gets its unique coloring, textures and veins from the metamorphic change that the limestone undergoes regarding its marble effect and mineral composition. Basically, marble undergoes a re-crystallization process wherein fossil materials and other sundry elements and minerals are heated and pressurized, creating the stone.
Difference Between Fake And Real Marble Tiles
Real marble tiles have the characteristic of being durable, but it is actually not that durable. Its durability will be defined on how you take care of it, making it more of a hassle and a problem to have around. Caring for real marble tiles is more complex than your regular style of cleaning, wherein mopping and sweeping not enough in terms of caring for your marble tiles. Marble tiles are more susceptible to stains from common household products, such as citrus-based drinks, shampoos, nail removers, or anything that is acidic, since these things may chemically react with the marble tile’s surface. This means that people who have marble tiles for their flooring, for example, will need to clean up any spill immediately using soap and water, in order to avoid staining their marble tile.
Fake marble tiles, on the other hand, need not require the same amount of care when cleaning it since these fake marble tiles are not made of 100% marble, but contain only a percentage of marble in their composition. Fake marble tiles are actually combined with other elements, such as liquid polyester resin, making it a more durable product as compared to the real marble tiles. This means that the products that would easily stain marble tiles are not that effective with fake marble tiles due to their resin coats, making them more impervious, although they could still stain it if not taken care of.
Also, real marble tiles are more expensive than fake marble tiles for obvious reasons, although there are some people who sell fake marble tiles for the same price range as real ones. The more expensive real marble tiles will have some differences with fake ones, such as the texture, finishes, patterns and design, some of which are more difficult to detect over others, but with careful scrutiny and observation, these differences can be seen.
Vanessa Arellano Doctor
(ArticlesBase SC #165571)
Article Source: - How to Detect a Fake Marble Tile
By: gardnerwilkinson
When it comes to flooring, there is no dearth of innovative materials and designs. One can select from numerous options when it comes to flooring. Marble tiles are one of the most popular choices for flooring. Though many other options like linoleum, vinyl, hardwood etc are available for flooring; marble flooring is one of the most elegant flooring styles around. If you are one of those people who would like to have marble flooring in their house or office then keep reading on -
Tips for getting the best flooring done
When choosing flooring options keep the following tips in mind
* Your budget.
* Selection of the right quality and design of marble tiles. They should be durable and the design should be such that its appeal lasts for a long time.
* You should visit the reputed stores in your area where you can get to know about the variety of marble tiles available in the market, as well as their prices. You can also research about it on the internet. Doing such research would give you a reasonably good sense of what is available in the market and what is the best you can afford within your budget.
Marble flooring as a better flooring option
Marble flooring is recommended by many interior designers because it is one of the most lasting flooring options and can give a stunning bright look to the floor. One of the best features of marble tile flooring is that they are scratch-free and stainless, and retain their fresh look for years.
However like other flooring options, marble tile flooring also has some drawbacks. These are –
* Marble is so heavy that the floor needs extra support for carrying the load. So before flooring with marble tiles, one should take appropriate measures to ensure that the floor can bear the weight of the tiles.
* Marble floors demand regular maintenance. So you have to spare some time regularly to maintain the beauty of your flooring.
*Marble tile flooring can be quite expensive and the flooring cost may be more than what you have budgeted. However if you have still desire to install marble tile flooring then you have another option that is synthetic marble tile flooring. Synthetic marble tiles are cheaper than the original marble tiles. But at the same time you cannot expect the durability and bright beauty of original marble tiles from the synthetic version.
About the Author
Surfaces USA carries a huge selection of marble tiles online. We also provide marble tile installation at wholesale prices.
(ArticlesBase SC #785217)
Article Source: - The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Marble Tile Flooring